53: "A Multi-Passionate Picks a Lane" with Baily Hancock

All good things must come to an end, right?? The focus of the Baily Hancock Show was telling the stories of people who have made big moves in their careers with small steps, and pulling back the curtain on exactly how they did that. I was intentional about bringing on guests who were real people, doing interesting yet attainable things in their careers. It was important for me to interview people in “normal” jobs, not just entrepreneurs because let’s be honest, the majority of people are either uninterested in entrepreneurship or not cut out for it. I loved getting to hear how people I admire ended up doing what they’re doing, how they overcame their setbacks and crushing defeats, and the wisdom they picked up along the way.

The career experts (which included everyone from recruiters, to career coaches, to improv experts, to astrologers and numerologists) each brought their own perspective, giving me and the listeners hours upon hours of valuable advice that would ordinarily cost thousands of dollars.

This show was more enjoyable for me to record than I ever could have imagined, and I’ve heard from so many of you that within each episode were comforting words of encouragement, inspiring stories from people just like you, and quotes that made you feel a hell of a lot less frustrated and confused with your career.

As you may have picked up throughout the last 52 episodes, I am a Multi-Passionate, or someone with a lot of interests. I’ve alluded to my two businesses a few times throughout this season, but for those of you not following along at home, I have a Collaboration Consulting business and I’ve also created two career-focused online courses. As is common during the first few years of entrepreneurship, I recently decided to shift my focus entirely to my Collaboration work, which means “careers” is no longer a relevant topic for the focus of this podcast.

With that I’m excited to announce my brand new podcast, “Stop, Collaborate & Listen”! I’m beyond excited to get to talk to even more fascinating people about my favorite topic: collaboration. My guests will include people who are doing the damn thing, leveraging collaboration to grow their businesses, gain exposure, and make the world a better place. I’ll also be sharing my own knowledge and experiences with collaboration, answering the many questions I get from entrepreneurs all the time about how exactly to do it.

I firmly believe that collaboration can change the world, so with this podcast I’m setting out to put my money where my mouth is, showing you how it’s done IRL through the stories of people walking the walk and talking the talk. Thank you for listening, thank you for the feedback throughout the last year of The Baily Hancock Show, and thank you for sharing the podcast with your friends. This has been perhaps my most favorite “job” I’ve ever had, but I wouldn’t do it if it weren’t for the people pressing “play” every week. You’re the best.

Catch you over on the new show!

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About Baily Hancock:

Baily Hancock is a Collaboration Consultant, Speaker, and Podcast Host who helps entrepreneurs gain credibility through collaboration and grow their business with partnerships.

A natural-born connector and professional friend-maker, Baily has spent her life expanding and nurturing her network, priding herself on being only a few degrees of separation from just about anyone (including Kevin Bacon.)

The “Stop, Collaborate & Listen” Podcast (my new show!)
Messy.fm (the podcast platform I’m using)
Seth Godin’s blog post on not doing a podcast for the “Top 10” lists

Website: BailyHancock.com
Instagram: @BailyHancock
LinkedIn: Baily Hancock
The Collaboration Coalition FB Group


52: "Being Brave & Getting Paid" with Kathlyn Hart, Financial Empowerment Coach