29: "Using Your Strengths to Land a New Gig" with Scott Asai, Certified Strengths Coach

How many people have been asked in a job interview what their greatest weakness was? (Raises hand.) Most of us have been told our entire lives to work on improving our weaknesses, when in reality, doubling down on your strengths is a far better strategy to excelling in your career. On this episode, Certified Strengths Coach Scott Asai talks about how you can discover what your strengths are and leverage them to find and land a new job. 

Scott Asai

About Scott:

Scott Asai is a speaker/coach that has been developing leaders for 20+ years - athletes, companies and individuals. His focus is helping people develop leadership skills to advance in their careers. Scott tends to attract a large audience of Millennials and Introverts to his programs/events. His professional background consists of: B.A. in Psychology, M.A. in Organizational Leadership, Certified Professional Coach and Certified Strengths Coach.

Website: scottasai.com
Twitter: @LeadMuscle
Leadership Muscle Podcast - Episode with Baily


30: "From Blogging to PR to Podcasts" with Rachael King, Founder of Pod People


28: "Underwear, HR, & Keeping Employees Happy" with Ellen Sweeney, Head of People Operations at MeUndies